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Assessment Naming Protocols

Assessment Naming Protocols

by CTI. Administration -
Number of replies: 0

Dear students, 

As of Friday the 1st of March Canterbury Technical Institute is introducing assessment Naming Protocols. Every assessment you submit must be named in this format. 

You can find all details on page 4 of the attached updated LMS student guide. 

- Please submit your Assessments using MyCTI. The File naming protocol is as follows, and all your files and attachments need to be named in the following way prior to submission:

Unit Code_CTI20XXXXX_Ass Name_Sub$ where:  

Unit Code is the code for the unit e.g. BSBSUS501

XXXXX is the last 5 digits of your student number

Ass Name is the Document name

$ is the submission number e.g. Sub1 or Sub2 or Sub3 e.g.

-      BSBCMM501_CTI2017900_Ass1_Sub1

-      BSBCMM501_CTI2017900_Ass1_Sub2         

Your assessment will not be accepted in any other format. 

If you have any questions regarding this update, please direct them to your trainer. 

Kind regards, 

Canterbury Technical Institute.